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CentrePiece magazine

CentrePiece magazine


The Centre's magazine features new research and policy ideas from the CEP. Written for non-specialist readers, CentrePiece articles are analytical, rigorously-evidenced and showcase the latest economic methods. 

CentrePiece is published three times a year in Spring, Summer and Autumn. Subscriptions will  always start with the forthcoming issue. Annual subscription is for one year (3 issues) or for two years (6 issues). Rates available for Individuals, Students, Organisations (UK and Europe) and Rest of World (non -EU).

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Annual subscription for one year (3 issues) Individuals


Annual subscription for one year (3 issues) Students (full-time)


Annual subscription for one year (3 issues) Organisations (UK and Europe)


Annual subscription for one year (3 issues) Rest of World (non-EU)


Subscription for two years (6 issues) Individuals


Subscription for two years (6 issues) Organisations (UK and Europe)


Subscription for two years (6 issues) Rest of World (non-EU)


Subscription for two years (6 issues) Students (full-time)


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